Stepping out of the Mud
Hey there. Long time. How’ve you been?
Wow. Huh. . . how ‘bout that. . . Yeah, I’ve been okay. Better, actually - all things considered. . . Yes. . . definitely, it’s good to be breathing.

So I was thinking about how I was going to jump back into this. As you might have noticed, I haven’t poked my head in here since late last October, and that may have something to do with this little girl named Sarah that I got a brief opportunity to meet last December. She was darling. And only recently have I found that even though I can’t be with her, I don’t have to be ashamed of feeling warm-chested again. Of having high spirits once in a while. Of focusing on the good things. Getting back to some kind of new normal.
But maybe that’s not the way to get this started up again. There will be time for that story. I mean, I don’t know how I could possibly summarize everything that has happened over the past 10 months. Heck - every time I think about it, I get depressed at the thought that I haven’t more thoroughly documented that period of Ben’s life. But I have to start somewhere.
So then I start thinking that I should just jump headfirst into the cold water. Start things up as if I’ve never been away. Maybe share a story. Maybe about our trip downtown to watch the White Sox this past weekend. I’d talk about how Ben showed off his skills on the Fundamental’s Deck, or how his Uncle Mike sold him for a nickel to the fans sitting behind us. Or how Ben demonstrated his Chicago allegiance to every rotten Red Sox fan within shouting distance.
But. . .no, that’s not right either.
For every end there is a new beginning. And since we left off last October by quoting a two year old (in particular regarding his penis) perhaps it’s providence that we should begin there again. And so. . .
As I helped Ben out of the tub last night, he wanted to show me this cool new trick he recently discovered. Ben is uncircumcised - and I suppose I should be more uncomfortable about broadcasting that kind of information in public, but hey, it’s not like it’s something I wouldn’t say to his future girlfriend when she first meet me anyway. “Hi, there, Ben’s ladyfriend. How are you? That’s nice. So where are you two going tonight? The movies? Which one? Oh, okay. I haven’t heard anything about that one yet. And Ben is uncircumcised. Just throwing that out there. I just . . .thought I should say that. I have pictures. And more than a few stories. You should check out my blog.”
Anyway, Ben figured out how to “pop goes the weasel”, if you know what I mean. And he decided maybe it would be a good idea to give it a name. Honest to God, Our Dear Lord in the Highest, he came up with that idea all on his own. Now, after he mentioned it I may have suggested a name or two, but I certainly didn’t make the final decision. He did that all by himself:
“Yeah! We should call ‘im Obi Wan Kenobi!”
Did you hear that, Ben’s ladyfriend of the future? Obi Wan "These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For" Kenobi.
Ah, me. It’s good to be back. :)
Thanks for the clarity, Sarah.
Labels: ben, pop goes weasel, sarah, white sox