Quoting a Two-Year-Old - Part 1
This was screamed - quite loudly - at the crowded restaurant yesterday evening right after we finished our fries. Ben has been doing very well with the potty-training lately, and after his trip to the potty just moments before, he apparently. . . ah. . . got 'stuck' in his underwear, if you know what I mean. It was one of those moments when, perhaps, the more inappropriate word daddy taught him to say (donk) would have been a little less conspicuous. "My donk!"

"Mommy, you're my best friend."
It was one of those mornings. Another 5:30 a.m. wake-up call from the little monster in the room next door. Ben has found it to his liking to come into our room and cuddle for a while after he wakes up every morning, and by cuddle, I mean squirm and kick and whine and chat at our still-closed eyelids. I swear, that boy doesn't have any middle gears; it's 100mph or nothing at all. As soon as he comes out from his dreams, he's instantaneously revved up up and running out the door to start his day. Anyway, on this particular morning, neither Anna nor I were in any mood to greet his energy with even a small drop of our own. Ben was trying everything he could to get us up, and I gotta say, that quote above sure did the trick.
You see, Ben has been talking (and talking and talking) for quite a while, but only recently has he begun to put salient thoughts out to the world. And this was one of the first. It wasn't just, "I love you, mommy," you know? We still have no idea where he learned the notion of "best friend". It was very cool.

Indepenent thought - who knew?
psst. please email me. i know a comment here isn't the best way to get in touch. but i've lost your email.
so hopefully you'll get this and send me an email.
love you. very much.
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