thanks again
A couple of days ago I made an effort to thank everyone who has made an impact on our young dude throughout his first 12 months. I may have forgotten some people and if I have, I apologize. And just to rub it in I’m going to thank some people twice:
Both of these people have contributed their love, their inspiration, their advice, their support. . . but those are just things any decent grandmother should do. In my own humble, naïve opinion, Ben’s grandmothers have done even more. And not just more love, inspiration, advice and support (those things are easy, right?). No, Grandmas C (Costello) and B (Bonick) also gave Ben their money. And then they gave him some more, and then they gave some to his parents to give to him later. And then they gave him some more. The list keeps growing: dishwashers, clothes, tooth-fairies, formula, diapers, clothes, toys, baby-seats, clothes, diapers, formula, blankets, and stuff I couldn’t possibly remember. When Anna got pregnant, everyone told us the two biggest expenses for babies (besides sleep and sanity) were diapers and formula. But because The Ben has such giving grandmothers, it was quite the rare occasion that our grocery list included either of those two expensive items.
And I know there are probably more than a few of you who are thinking, “Shit, my mom bought our son a Bentley.” Or “my mother-in-law set up our son’s trust fund, cheapo!” Or “Diapers? Formula? Don’t they have a nanny? Darling, come read this! Those poor, poor people in Des Plaines have lost their nanny – can we give them our spare?” Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. But the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars Ben’s grandparents have spent on him could probably be used. . . I don’t know. . .say, to pay off their own debts, or buy themselves a vacation, or paint their hallway. But they choose to spend it on Ben instead. And I’m grateful. Hugely. Tremendously [Because every dollar they spend on Ben, is one more dollar I get to spend at the titty bar].

and not only money,diapers,your son's first car-i also read your blog!!! even if you don't make it to the tittie bar,it saves you money to get dvds from netflix to gross me out poor grandson has SUCH a poor role model...
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